Castle Ruin at Eksjöhov

This past weekend I visited my brother Jonathan and his family in Småland. Their two cats “Katten Kajsa” and Caramella just had kittens only weeks apart. They basically went from having a modest two cats to eight cats. The three little ones can make a surprising amount of noise, and the three bigger ones held their own against Olav the dog. The cats are growing up fast, and they will soon be looking for a new home, so if anyone wants one I can put you in touch with my brother.

The little one with one of the bigger kittens.
Katten Kajsa’s litter. Cuteness overload.
Jonathan and Sandra tending to their honey bees. The two colonies had been growing so they had to add another store to the two bee mansions.
The bees however do not like to be disturbed, so they went on a war path, which must have scared the horses, because we had to go look for them.

One of the fun things we did was head out to the old castle ruin at Eksjöhov, located right by a lake with a beautiful surrounding. The first reference to the building is from 1287, and according to legend it was used by Sten Sture den Äldre as a hunting castle. During the 1650s the stone castle that can be found there now was built.

The little one found a field of dandelions on the way to the castle.
The eldest one sitting reading in one of the old windows overlooking the lake.
Sandra reading for the eldest one.
Family photo.
The two youngest ones having fun climbing around.
The following day was mother’s day, so the three daughters wanted to take a photo for mum.
A bit crazy.
Sandra, middle and eldest one posing in one of the big windows.
Let’s bring out the book again.
The middle one came running, she had found a spot where she wanted a photo taken.
Jonathan and Sandra
Meanwhile the little one was gathering and throwing stones into the lake.
Time to head out for dinner.
One last photo. Yes we brought a mirror with us just for photos like this.

It was a great weekend, we also went to Boda Borg, but that is a story for another time. Many thanks to Jonathan, Sandra and my three nieces!

— Johannes

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