Last Saturday Nora Sofie Smedbakken Hov and Alexander Bergström came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. We photographed in my kitchen studio, first with the blue background and then with the cappuccino background.

For the second part of the photoshoot we created a backstory with them arriving at Studio 54, and trying to sell their merchandise on the dance floor. It was fun to create this story together, and it gave their characters a bit more depth.

Jeg heter Nora Sofie og jeg gikk ut yrkesdanserutbildningen ved Balettakademin Stockholm våren 2024. Etter examineringen har jeg fortsatt att träna medans jeg jobber på ett café i Gamla Stan. Om en vecka skal jag og några kompisar visa fram et dansprojekt vi har jobbat med under høsten på café og kultuscén, Källarbyn. Om två veckor skal jag flytta til Berlin for att fortsatta trena og lära känna nya människor.
— Nora Sofie

Many thanks to Nora and Alex for a fun photoshoot!
Instagram: Nora, Alex, Johannes
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