Hjorth med H Posts

June 2, 2014 / / Photography

It is not every day that you get teleported back into the Dark Ages. This past Sunday I went to Norfolk with Andrea Thorn and Florian Platzmann. Their passion is dressing up in Dark Age clothes…

June 2, 2014 / / Cambridge

Who knew you could play beach volleyball without a beach? Today I went to Barn Elms with Christiana, Ana, Froso and Xenia to photograph them playing. After some adventure on the way we finally made…

May 27, 2014 / / Cambridge

Yesterday I went to Fulbourn for the first time. It is a village outside Cambridge and the home of St John’s Players, which is a theatre group that has been putting on plays since 1947. My…

May 25, 2014 / / Cambridge

Yesterday I was photographing a tied up girl in a gas mask. Perhaps not the most normal subject, but I can explain. I got a message on Friday afternoon from Alex O’Bryan-Tear who is setting up…

May 22, 2014 / / Cambridge

The dress rehearsal for “Cirque de Bombay” was yesterday, this time on the big ADC Theatre stage. I arrived just as the tech rehearsal was finishing, so I ended up standing around talking to Lucy…

May 21, 2014 / / Cambridge

This was a bit of a spontaneous shoot. I bumped into Christiana Smyrelli as I was going food shopping, and after talking for a bit I was invited over to photograph their volleyball practice the…

May 20, 2014 / / Cambridge

Early on Sunday I got a message from Alex Cartlidge, who was the producer of “A Clockwork Orange”, asking if I could come to the dress rehearsal of their play the following day. At first I…

May 18, 2014 / / Cambridge

I met Joanna Vymeris when photographing “Thing with Feathers” at the ADC Theatre where she did some impressive air acrobatics. Fast forward two months, and she asked if I wanted to photograph one of their…

May 15, 2014 / / Cambridge

We take for granted the fact that both men and women have the right to vote, but there was a time when that was not the case. Her Naked Skin is a play by Rebecca Lenkiewicz…

May 12, 2014 / / Cambridge

Some days there is so much to do that you wish you could clone yourself. We might not quite be able to do that yet, besides if we did manage that we’d have the problem…