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Signe Willmarsson and Elin Appell recently got funding for their dance project. Last weekend they came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. We shot most photos in the Green Room, but also did a…
This past Sunday Greta Eng and Vera Lundgren from Stockholm Musicalartist education joined me for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. We started in the Green Room, before heading outdoors for the second part of the…
Elea Standal, Mathea Eriksen and Dorthea Serine Kvarv Andreassen from Balettakademien came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. It was great fun to shoot with this trio from Norway. We started with individual photos,…
Igår ordnade Balettakademien terminens Open Stage med medverkande från skåderspelarutbildningen, yrkesdansarutbildningen och musikalutbildningen på Balettakademien samt från Scandinavian Dance Academy. Utdrag ur pjäsen Liv Strömquist tänker på digIdé och regi: Matilda Skönborg frånSkådespelarutbildningen år 2Medverkande:…
Last weekend Ellen Stalin and Olivia Laurinen from Balettakademien joined me for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. We photographed in the Green Room, starting with some improvisation movements. They had brought with them some body…
Last weekend Indra Kleinert, Alice Stefansdotter Dahl and Lisa Asia Noren joined me for a photoshoot in Näsbypark. The title Tri Matryoshki (Три Mатрёшки) refers to the layered Russian dolls. We started in the Green…
This past Sunday Sofia Löfdahl joined me for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. We experimented with distortions and long shutter times for some of the photos, Sofia has a lot of experience in front of…
This past Saturday Victoria Linder, Nathéa Anemyr and Tyra Nyman joined me for an afternoon dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. This was our first photoshoot together, so we started in the Green Room using the natural…