Yesterday I met up with the cast and crew of “A Walk with Puck” to do a promotional photoshoot at the Homerton Orchard. The performance contains a mix of characters from different Shakespeare plays. We photographed in the evening, which gave us beautiful sunlight. Here is a selection of my favourite photos.
Will Bishop and Kate Marston as Romeo and Juliet.One more photo of the Shakespeare power couple, here we moved further into the orchard to get some overhanging trees to frame them.Bethan Davidson as Titania, the Faery Queen.Flo Best and Ellen McGrath.Ellen and Flo sitting in a tree.Anna Snodgrass improvising her monologue in the tree. You start working, marry, grow fat and have kids, then you die. Or something like that.Will joins the fun.Stella Pryce, Rachel Pollitt, Jessi Stritch and Caroline Heath-TaylorFlo photobombing!Bethan Davidson. Backlit photographed at a low angle, to make Beth tower over the trees.Flo Best and Bethan Davidson spinning around in the grass.Will and Kate promising each other eternal love. Note the sword.One of the perks of playing Romeo.More Romeo and Juliet.Maybe I should have called this blog post Will and Kate’s Wedding Album.Magical hands. It took a few tries to get the sunlight shining through their joined hands.The Directors: Stella Pryce and Caroline Heath-TaylorBethan Davidson accidentally scaring mother duck and her little ducklings.Safe harbour! Mother duck calms down.Time for a swim?Not sure what they are doing, Faery magic?A bit of last minute dancing by the pool.
Keep an eye out for A Walk with Puck which plays 15-16 June at Homerton Gardens. Many thanks to the cast and crew for a fun evening!
Magical, Johannes.
Thank you! See you in a couple of weeks, I’m flying back to Stockholm on the 23rd.