“‘We’re all Mad Here’, the cat said to Alice as he dangled from a trapeze with that mischievous grin on his face…”
“Alice” is an exciting devised exploration of Lewis Carroll’s influential story told through the magical medium of circus. Be transported through a surreal world and encounter a wheel artist rolling by, late for an important date, two strange twins balance impossibly upon each other, and a dormouse falls from a Chinese pole, fast asleep, into a teacup. A caterpillar emerges cocooned in aerial silks, and a tea party takes an unexpected turn. Prepare to be mesmerised by the acrobatic ability, the linguistic beauty, and the artistic excellency that is “Alice”. The story you know and love so well, turned upside down and hung up in the air.
“Alice” promises to be completely absurd, baffling beautiful, and absolutely bonkers, but as Alice so rightly said, ‘All the best people are’.
(Text from Camdram)

I have a short video recording from the dress rehearsal (54 seconds):
Reviews: TCS (8/10), Varsity (4.5/5), The Tab (5/5)
Alice – Vinciane Jones
The Mad Hatter – Kyle Fearn
The Queen of Hearts – Connie Krarup
Cheshire Cat – Emily Mahon
Caterpillar – Kalvin Dinh
Dormouse/Flower – Nathalie Layton-McIntosh
Cheshire Cat – Will Duncan
The Mad Hatter/The Queen of Hearts – Katie Struthers
March Hare – Quintin Langley-Coleman
Tweedledum – Lili Pierret
Tweedledee – Kenny Wong
Dance Chorus – Charlie Clark, Shikha Pahari, Joanna Lobl, Imogen Granger, Daphne Chia, Lucy McMahon
White Rabbit – Gina Curwen
Dance Chorus – Aurora Roelofs
Gymnast Chorus – Edgar Engel, David Ho, Reimi Konda, Hanna Martin, Gemma Goodfellow, Sharla Petterson, Sarah O’Brien, Annie Muston, Natalia Przelmska
Tweedledum – Anna Keeley
March Hare – Alistair Houston
Tweedledee – Natasha Wilson
Dormouse – Ellen McGrath
Production Team
Director – Joanna Vymeris
Producer – Jamie Rycroft
Assistant Director – Imi Mulliner
Assistant Producer – Tom Bevan
Publicity Designer – Charlotte Randall
Circus Rigger – Will Duncan
Stage Manager – Katherine Ridley
Deputy Stage Manager – Alex Ridley
Sound Designer – Bret Cameron
Production Designer – Connie (Harper) Dent
Lighting Designer – Tony Dent
Flying Director – Ruth Harvey
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
Assistant Stage Manager – Mira Nadarajah, Kate Emden
Teacup Decorator/Tent Seamstress – Steph Popa
It looks fantastic. Good luck 🙂