In German “Fahrt ins Blaue” (Travel into the Blue) means to make an excursion to an unknown or previously undefined place. This was pretty much what we did for this photoshoot. We headed out towards Ullnasjön with only a rough idea where we were going. With me were Sabine and Ewa, two sets of newly purchased dresses and a fancy hat with holes in it. Everything you needed for a great photoshoot!
We stepped off the bus a few stops too early, and on the way to the lake Ullnasjön we passed through an industrial zone, and found some interesting slabs of concrete surrounded by cow parsnip (björnloka). Here Sabine is reading the news in her yellow dress. Her reaction to Brexit is illustrated by her legs..Being two photographers present we took turns, here Ewa is shooting Sabine from a somewhat unconventional angle. You do what you need to do in order to stabilise the camera.The concrete slab had a beautiful broken texture, so we shot several portraits of Sabine against it. Here is one of the closeup shots..Hiding in the fernsAfter spending too much time in the concrete jungle we moved on, and found another lovely spot. Here Sabine has switched to her new blue dress. Two new dresses in one day, does it get any better?The sun was getting lower, and we found a beautiful location by the water. Whenever I have a puddle I like to lie down next to it, and put my camera dangerously close to the water surface in order to capture the full reflection.Reflecting on Sweden“I whip my hair back and forth. I whip my hair back and forth. I whip my hair back and forth. Whip it real good.” (The song sucks, but Sabine nailed the hair whip)“Are you okay with getting your feet wet?”Ewa reviewing some of her photos.Playing with the sun and its reflection.One last shot before changing into something a bit dryer.Reviewing photos.By shooting from a slightly higher vantage point I could fit Ewa’s reflection in the puddle.Back in the blue dress. We took several shots, while reviewing them we liked this pose the best, but unfortunately it was one of the ones where I had not got a complete reflection.Sabine and Ewa.After nearly four hours of photographing we were getting ready to leave, but before finishing we took a few more photos as we headed back.Team photo: Ewa, Sabine and Johannes.
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