Industrial Imprints

Michelle Holmström has been working at Wallmans in Oslo for the past year, but she was back in Stockholm for a short visit. Last Tuesday I met up with her and Amanda Anagrius Ryberg at Slakthusområdet in Stockholm for a dance photoshoot.

This entire area is currently being developed, and you can see how they are modifying old buildings and building new. Thanks to Jenny Jonson for the idea for the blog post name.

Michelle Holmström
Michelle Holmström
Amanda Anagrius Ryberg
Amanda Anagrius Ryberg
Michelle Holmström
Michelle and Amanda
Amanda Anagrius Ryberg
Michelle Holmström
Amanda Anagrius Ryberg
Michelle Holmström
Michelle Holmström
Amanda Anagrius Ryberg
Michelle Holmström

Many thanks to Michelle and Amanda for a fun photoshoot!

Instagram: Michelle, Amanda, Johannes

— Johannes

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