Jag åkte ner till Malmö i helgen som var, och passade på att möta upp med Arianna Hall på fredagseftermiddagen för ett sommarinspirerat photoshoot. Vi lånade ett par cyklar och tog oss till Kämpinge strand…
Hjorth med H Posts
Yesterday Amanda Lindén and Linn Asplund, who both trained at Institute of the Arts Barcelona – Performing Arts Training, joined me for an evening dance photoshoot. It had rained during the day, but luckily for…
Margherita Pascariello joined me for an afternoon photoshoot in Näsbypark. We started the photoshoot on the water, where we tried keeping the dress dry. After a wardrobe change we did the next set of photos…
Tilda Lundmark and Felicia Taube Eliasson joined me for an early Saturday morning photoshoot. We met up at six o’clock and headed out to a local field to catch some of that morning golden hour…
Pauline Wikman and Mikaela W joined me for an evening photoshoot in Näsbypark. This time we decided to play around with coloured gels, to mix red and blue light. Here are some of our favourite…
Michelle Holmström has been working at Wallmans in Oslo for the past year, but she was back in Stockholm for a short visit. Last Tuesday I met up with her and Amanda Anagrius Ryberg at…
This past Sunday Joakim Pham, Alva Norgren and Marvin Kouassi came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot in my Green Room. They recently graduated from Balettakademien, so it was fun to bring them back together again…
This past Sunday Elida Jondal Thorsen and Jolie Pierrou from Balettakademien came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. We started just after nine by the water at Kråkudden, where the wind was making the…