Tove Ahl is working on a dance project called “May I Paint..?” for a viewing a few weeks from now, where she wants to explore how to create consent in a playful way. She focuses on the interactions between the performer and the audience by allowing them to participate. Her plan is to have them paint on her, with a focus on the dialogue between them, negotiating what they are both comfortable with. “I want to draw a big red circle on your back.”, “I am not sure, what about if you do a small circle instead?” or “That sounds fun, would you like to do one on my leg as well?”.
The idea is based on Betty Martin’s practice “The Wheel of Consent” which is a tool for people to learn how to express what they want, set their boundaries and how to respect others’ boundaries. Many people are afraid to say no or to get rejected. Tove suggests another perspective – what if one person’s “no” is a beautiful gift of sharing their honesty, what if we can face a “no” with gratitude and see it as the way to find our true “yes”?
The performance will be held at moment:teater on the 26th of October. Get your ticket here. (Info)

Many thanks to Tove for a fun photoshoot!
Instagram: Tove, Johannes
— Johannes
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