Autumn is such a beautiful season with wonderful colours, combine that with the indian summer we have had lately, and you just have to grab your camera and go outside to do some photography. Luckily for me I had a ballet photoshoot planned this past Sunday together with Emma, Kim, Nikki and Edith from the Royal Swedish Ballet School.
Emma. As I walked to our rendezvous point by the tennis courts I noticed this spot by the jetty, which became the first photo location of the day.Emma. Next to the jetty was a lot of reed, which served as a great location for our next set of photos. I shot against the sun to create an ethereal feeling to the photo and make the sun shine through the folds of the skirt. This was shot on the old 135 mm lens, which gives quite a bit of flaring.Edith. Same location as the earlier photo of Emma, but here I have stepped into the shade to reduce flaring.Kim. I like to capture motion, and lately I have been trying to also include emotion into the photos. I really like the energy in this photo.Nikki arrived a bit late, but started with a really strong pose.Edith and Nikki playing with leaves, with a curious little girl watching.Nikki and Edith, with their little ballerina fan.Nikki. Playing with backlight and flaring.Emma. With a telephoto lens you can get these beautiful blurry backgrounds, but you often end up backing into the bushes to get enough distance between yourself and the dancer to fit them into the frame.EdithKim. By turning her head ever so slightly to the side we got a beautiful Rembrandt light on her face.NikkiEmma. This is a beautiful jump, and the red dress makes Emma stand out against the background.Edith enjoying the autumn sun.NikkiGroup photo of today’s crew. Emma, Kim, Lotta, Viktoria, Nikki and EdithEmma. Last photo before it was time for me to pack up and head to my nephew’s birthday party.Okay, I lied. I took one more photo on the walk back to the parking lot. I thought this view was so beautiful that I stopped mid pace, snapped the shot, then continued walking.
Pas de quatre, means “Step of Four” in French and denotes a dance with four people, which I thought was a fitting name for the blog post.
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