Yesterday evening the Corpus Playroom main show Private Lives had their dress rehearsal. The team had managed to have their get in, tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal all in one day. Pretty impressive.
From camdram:
‘That was the trouble with Elyot and me, we were like two violent acids bubbling about in a nasty little matrimonial bottle’
Private Lives is a thrilling and witty comedy not to be missed. A divorced couple, Elyot and Amanda, are each on honeymoon with their new spouses, Sybil and Victor. When Elyot and Amanda notice they are honeymooning in adjacent apartments, they realise that they still love each other and decide to run away together. Initially their affair seems to be going well, but with wits as strong as theirs arguments quickly ensue. It is only a matter of time before Sybil and Victor turn up..
Here are a few of the photos from the evening rehearsal.
The dress is about to start. Sasha Brooks, a happy director.Bromance. Kate Stevenson, Tom Chamberlain and Will Bishop.Kate Stevenson, Sasha Brooks, Tom Chamberlain and Will Bishop who is trying to go through his lines.Kate StevensonThe dress has started. Will Bishop and Eleanor Mack as Elyot and Sibyl Chase.Eleanor Mack and Will Bishop, newlywed on their first day of the honey moon.Eleanor Mack needs reassurance that everything is alright.Tom Chamberlain and Bethan Davidson as Victor and Amanda Prynne.They too are newlyweds.Will Bishop“I’m on my honeymoon!” “How interesting, so am I.” Will Bishop and Bethan Davidson. In a previous life they were married, but that was five years ago, now they stumble upon each other again.“I feel very odd.” Will Bishop and Eleanor MackEleanor Mack and Will BishopBethan Davidson and Tom ChamberlainTom Chamberlain and Bethan Davidson“Don’t be melodramatic.” Bethan Davidson and Will Bishop…This can not end well..Tom ChamberlainEleanor Mack and Tom ChamberlainBethan Davidson and Will Bishop, in an apartment in Paris.“May I have this dance?”.Life is not without complications. Bethan Davidson.“Let’s be superficial and pity the poor philosophers. Let’s blow trumpets and squeakers, and enjoy the party as much as we can, like very small, quite idiotic school children.”Will Bishop and Bethan DavidsonWill Bishop and Bethan Davidson..“Come and kiss me before your body rots and worms pop in and out of your eye sockets.” Will Bishop and Bethan Davidson“Going out somewhere dear?’, “No just making myself fascinating for you.” Bethan DavidsonBeth got some dance moves...Busted! Tom Chamberlain, Eleanor Mack, Bethan Davidson and Will BishopEleanor MackSasha BrooksTom Chamberlain, Will Bishop and Eleanor Mack.Oooh…Flying Mantis?“They want us to fight!”Bethan Davidson and Tom ChamberlainTom Chamberlain and Bethan DavidsonTom Chamberlain and Katurah MorrishBethan Davidson and Tom ChamberlainBethan Davidson, Eleanor Mack and Will BishopBethan Davidson, Will Bishop, Eleanor Mack and Tom Chamberlain.Tom Chamberlain, Bethan Davidson, Will Bishop and Eleanor MackBethan Davidson, Will Bishop, Tom Chamberlain and Eleanor Mack
The show premiers on Tuesday! Make sure to check it out! Will and Beth have a brilliant fight scene choreographed by Robbie Taylor Hunt. You can find tickets on the Corpus webpage.
Many thanks to the cast and crew for a fun evening!
— Johannes Hjorth
Reviews: The Cambridge Student (7/10), Varsity (4/5), The Tab (4/5) Cast
Amanda Prynne – Bethan Davidson
Elyot Chase – Will Bishop
Victor Prynne – Tom Chamberlain
Sibyl Chase – Eleanor Mack
Louise – Kate Stevenson, Katurah Morrish
Production Team
Director – Sasha Brooks
Assistant Director – Sarah Stacey
Producer – Sebastian Constantine
Publicity Designer – Jordan Mitchell
Fight Choreographer – Robbie Taylor Hunt
Lighting & Sound Designer – Peter Lotts
Stage Manager – Kate Stevenson
Set Designer – Kate Stevenson
Costume Designer – Freddie Cooke
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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