This past Sunday Sara Blomqvist, Nellie Norrman and Iril Olsen from Balettakademien came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. Winter has arrived here in Stockholm, so we decided to do the photoshoot indoors in the Green Room.

Hello, my name is Sara and I’m from Norrköping here in Sweden. I started dancing when I was around 12 years old and I’ve never stopped since. I have competed in Modern and Jazz and I’ve also been teaching a lot. But this summer I moved from home all the way to Stockholm to start my new jurney and career at Balettakademiens professional education.

Hello! My name is Nellie and I come from a small town up north called Östersund. I’ve danced for as long as I can remember, it’s my passion. Before I moved to Stockholm I was a competitive dancer in jazz and modern. I’ve always known that dancing is what I want to do in life, but a few years back I decided that I wanted to pursue a career so I started searching for schools where I could apply. Balettakademien Stockholm is a school that I’ve known about for a long time, so there was no hesitation about BA when it came to applications. It’s now been 4 months since I started the Professional Dancers Education at Balettakademien and I look forward to everyday at school.

Hey! My name is Iril Marie and i am from Kristiansund in Norway. I have been dancing my whole life, and have always known that I wanted to work as a dancer. Since I come from a small town, i have travelled to bigger cities for inspiration and to become a more versatile dancer. I moved to Trondheim when I was 15 to attend danselinjen at Trondheim Katedral skole. In this period I got to work with grosstadsafari by Jo Strømgren, i also worked as a dance teacher and choreographed two commercial videos for torgkvartalet kjøpesenter. When i finished high school i moved to Stockholm to attend yrkesutbildningen at Ballet akademiet.

Many thanks to Sara, Nellie and Iril for a fun photoshoot!
Instagram: Sara, Nellie, Iril, Johannes
— Johannes
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