Denna veckan framför Balettakademiens treor “Through Their Eyes”. Det är ett musikal-projekt som utforskar det abstrakta. Genom brev möter vi rädslor, viljor, tvivel, framtidstro och kärlek. Numrena ackompanjeras av kända låtar ur musikalvärlden som sammanflätade tematiken…
Tag: Julius Hjalmarsson
Yesterday was Open Stage at Balettakademien. It is an opportunity for the dancers and artists at Balettakademien to experiment with new material, and then get feedback by the audience. Raw GraceKoreografi: Recoil MTM, Marcus Tari…
Yesterday Balettakademien had the dress rehearsal for Rant at Dieselverkstaden in Stockholm. This show has five pieces choreographed by Madeleine Marquart, Anna Holmström, Satoshi Kudo, Eytan Sivak and Matilda Fleberg and performed by year 1…
Yesterday Lights Out premiered at Balettakademien. Here is a glimpse from their dress rehearsal. It was a massive performance, with seven classes and around 140 dancers. Drifting — At some point they were drifting, discovering…
This past Sunday Julius Hjalmarsson and Elisabeth Staaf came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. We started photographing outdoors under the dramatic sky. There is an old jetty that will be demolished which we…