Denna veckan framför Balettakademiens treor “Through Their Eyes”. Det är ett musikal-projekt som utforskar det abstrakta. Genom brev möter vi rädslor, viljor, tvivel, framtidstro och kärlek. Numrena ackompanjeras av kända låtar ur musikalvärlden som sammanflätade tematiken…
Tag: Sunneva Líf Albertsdóttir
This past Saturday Leila Skorupa and Sunneva Lif Albertsdóttir came out to Näsbypark for a photoshoot. We had a beautiful sunny day with 21 degrees outside, but we started indoors in the Green Room as…
We have had a cold week, but now the sun is finally coming back out again. It is still a bit chilly, but while the sun is out it washes away the cold and the…
This past Friday was Open Stage at Balettakademien. It was great fun to be there photographing the show. Here are a few photos from the evening. Med-it(er)ation Koreografi: Maja Dahlbäck Medverkande: Alfred Molander, Anna Sjöberg,…