Yesterday the ADC hosted the 24 Hour Plays. The play has to be written, rehearsed and ready to perform within 24 hours. In between a poster shoot, and a dress rehearsal I went past the ADC Theatre to take a few photos of the preparations underway.

Actor – Jonathan Ben-Shaul, Declan Amphlett, Guy Emanuel, Fergus Powell, Ben Martineau, Felix Koninx, Rhodri Hughes, Calum Maney, Myfanwy Hill, Anna Snodgrass, Zoe Morris, Suchitra Sebastian, Frederica Poulton, Marie-Kathrin Wieser, Hannah Short, Carine Valarche, Claire T-S, Benedict Flett, Uma Ramachandran, Quintin Langley-Coleman, Jasmin Rees, Isla Tyrrell
Production Team
Executive Producer – Molly Yarn
Director – Peter Lunga, Imogen Fox, Gaia Fay Lambert, Zoe Barnes, Matt Gurtler
Writer – Charlotte Cromie, Jamie Rycroft, Jordan Mitchell, Nell Whittaker, Sam Grabiner, Sam Fulton
Stage Manager – Saskia Baylis
Personal Assistant to Ms Baylis – Eleanor Mitchell
Deputy Stage Manager – Cat Watts
Lighting Designer – Simon Allison
Publicity Designer – Cait Mack, Daniella Briscoe-Peaple, Zach Brubert
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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