This past Sunday Tilde Södergren and Amanda Stööp came down from Västerås for a dance photoshoot on Björnön in the Stockholm Archipelago. The weather report said overcast and a bit of rain, but that did not deter us. They came prepared with two big suitcases filled with clothes, and lugged them across the rocks and roots down to the water. There are some beautiful stone formations just by the water, and we ended up staying within a radius of about 50 meters for the outdoor part of the photoshoot.

We had originally planned to get a bit further along the water line to the big rocks behind, but the water level was higher than last time I was here, and the waves made the rocks really slippery, so we decided to use this closer rock instead and try and match the shapes in the landscape.

Amanda found this spot which had like a little stone pedestal and quite smooth background that we proceeded to use for a series of photos.

Vi har dansat sedan vi var små och kommer från olika delar av Gävleborgs län. Vi har lärt känna varandra via tävlingsdansen där vi följt varandra under många års tid. Dansen är en stor del av våra liv och det är så kul att följa varandras utveckling och pusha oss till vårt bästa. Att få fånga vår stora passion på bild denna söndag var en rolig utmaning och vi är så glada att vi fick den möjligheten! Tack för en fantastisk dag Johannes!
Tilde och Amanda

We ended the outdoor part of the photoshoot with some photos in the water. There were a lot of slippery and moving stones under the water, but they did a great job making it look effortless.

We then headed back to Näsbypark to do a few photos in the Green Room. We decided to use the black and white suits that they had brought. Especially the last photo creates an interesting illusion.

Behind the scenes video:
Many thanks to Tilde and Amanda for a fun photoshoot!
Instagram: Tilde, Amanda, Johannes
— Johannes
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