Today I met up with Meg Honigmann, Ana Persinaru, Tabitha Hutchison, Grace Ding, Dommy Goddard and Jasneet Sian at St John’s College Old Library for a Varsity May Week photoshoot. Meg had procured a set of beautiful dresses for the ladies to model. We had about two hours in the old library, and then we continued on the college grounds for another hour.
St John’s College Old Library. We had to make use of the available light as flashes were not permitted.Grace Ding posing by the big glass windows.Ana Persinaru posing by the staircase. She is well lit by the big window in front of her, while the rest of the library is in relative darkness.Tabitha Hutchison, Jasneet Sian, Grace Ding and Dommy Goddard.Below the staircase Ana Persinaru posed. Meg suggested we include the staircase in the photo, and the railing made a great foreground.Grace Ding sitting on top of the staircase. I wanted the photo to be bright so overexposed it slightly.Grace Ding, skirt carefully arranged.Ana Persinaru. I like how the light from the window illuminates Ana and the rows of old books.Tabitha Hutchison’s dress came to life when she spun around.Grace Ding, for these photos we used a reflector to the left to add a bit of extra light to the face.Dommy GoddardJasneet Sian, her long hair braided and folded up over her head.Tabitha Hutchison. There is a second photo taken at the same spot that shows more of her dress, but in this one her eyes caught the light and looked too good. I am sure you will find the dress centered photo on the fashion pages in Varsity.Grace Ding. This photo was Meg’s idea, utilising the arches and shadows.Ana Persinaru looking out past the Bridge of Sighs.Tabitha Hutchison, breaking the fashion mask for a second with a smile.This is one of my favourite windows at St John’s, it always delivers great light on the model. Here again Tabitha Hutchison in her beautiful dress.Ana Persinaru in the elegant red dress. I have found that red dresses work really well in these old buildings, making the model stand out.Jasneet SianDommy Goddard, we wanted something different so did a profile photo.Playing with shadowpatterns.The photo shoot is done, on our way back, bumping in to a familiar theatre face. There are more crazy photos of Toby, but this was a fashion shoot so you have to look for them on facebook later.On their way home, or to the library?One last photo before heading home.
There you have it, our first fashion photo shoot for the Varsity May Week edition. Many thanks to Meg, Ana, Tabitha, Grace, Dommy and Jasneet!
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