Yesterday I went to Selwyn College to photograph A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I messaged one of the actresses beforehand to check where we were going to meet up but she had no idea what I was talking about. After a while we realised that there was more than one company doing Midsummer Night’s Dream in Cambridge. If you check on Camdram you can see that there are three different Midsummer Night’s Dream plays being set up currently, and there was one more back in April. Shakespeare is popular.
Here are the photos from Selwyn College with The Mighty Players.
Selywn College has a beautiful metal gate to their gardens. Here is Lucy Gledhill-Flynn and Ruth Delahunty photographed with the sun behind them. I was lying on the ground to make sure the buildings behind them would not obscure their legs.Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Ruth Delahunty, Millie Foy and Katy Duff.The Faeries had some magical love potions in the play, which meant that pretty much every one of the humans was getting it on with each other in different constellations. Millie Foy and Ruth Delahunty.We then went into the gardens and tried to create a photo with some depth. Millie Foy, Katy Duff, Ruth Delahunty and Lucy Gledhill-Flynn.Cat fight! I moved around to the other side of the pond to make use of the reflections in the water.Moving in closer on the action.Sam Pulman-Slater and Tom TaplinInge-Vera Lipsius, Tom Taplin, Millie Foy, Katy Duff, Ruth Delahunty and Lucy Gledhill-Flynn.The faeries applying love potions on the lads.The love potion is working. Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Katy Duff and Millie Foy.Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Katy Duff and Millie Foy.Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Katy Duff and Millie Foy.Katy DuffLucy Gledhill-Flynn, Katy Duff and Millie Foy.Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Katy Duff and Millie Foy.The lads have found a new lady. Lucy Gledhill-Flynn, Ruth Delahunty and Millie Foy.Beckoning! Ruth Delahunty and Lucy Gledhill-Flynn.Millie Foy, Ruth Delahunty and Lucy Gledhill-Flynn. Ruth’s character is supposed to marry Millie’s, so Millie is not happy when Lucy comes and steals her away.Playing with different angles. Ruth, Lucy and Millie.Here we are trying to do a regular portrait. Millie Foy and Lucy Gledhill-Flynn.Katy Duff and Ruth Delahunty, best friends.One thing that I like is to ask some of the people not in the photo to get in there and photobomb. It always makes for great photos.Group photo. Here I asked them to step in one at a time, and once they were in the photo they were not allowed to move.Using this technique we got some crazy poses.You can have a lot of fun with water. Sadly no swimming this time.A bit of faery magic. Lovers quarrel. Here I like the sense of movement.We were trying different angles.
Gaia Fay Lambert
Inge-Vera Lipsius
Sam Pulman-Slater
Tom Taplin
Titania/Hippolyta – Sam Pulman-Slater
Oberon/Theseus – Tom Taplin
Helena – Katy Duff
Hermia – Ruth Delahunty
Demetrius – Millie Foy
Lysander – Lucy Gledhill-Flynn
Puck – Inge-Vera Lipsius
Bottom – Joe Prentice
Quince – Andrew Bauer
Snug/Egeus – Nick Ash
Flute – Rahul Savadia
Starveling – Victoria Braid
Production Team
Director – Gaia Fay Lambert
Assistant Director – Lola Olufemi
Co-Producer – Charlotte Owens
Costume Designer – Genevieve Doyle
Co-Producer – Saskia Baylis
Stage Manager – Genevieve Cox
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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