Tonight was the dress rehearsal for Attempts on Her Life by Martin Crimp. The play is directed by Tania Clarke, and plays this week at the Corpus Playroom. I arrived expecting something Sherlock Holmes like, but it turned out to be quite different. Seventeen short scenes, each with different characters painting a story about Anne, Anya, Anna…
There were a lot of movement on stage for some of the scenes, which was quite tricky to capture. Here Tom Beaven.Chris Born venting his anger and frustration in little droplets.Flo Sagers, Mariel Pettee, Rhianna Frost, Lucy Moss and Avigail Tlalim. I like how their heads create a curved line. Flo’s expression seals the photo.Lucy, Rhianna and Mariel.For a lot of the scenes there were multiple things going on at the same time.Chris Born and Hao Feng did a brilliant car sales pitch.Mariel and AvigailWith the 50 mm lens I could not quite fit everyone in the frame, instead I focused on capturing a few of their expressions.MarielThere were a few good photos from Joe Spence’s monologue. What made me pick this one was the shadow on the floor which looks like a little person sitting. I even considered having the photo upside down to emphasise the shadow. Why not turn your monitor or laptop upside down and see which way you prefer it?Oh, I kept this one in? Had forgotten that. Okay you get two shots from the same scene it seems.A while back I reflected on the fact that I need to become better at photographing little details to complement the other photos, so here is a doll photo.When you are out of paper…?I am not sure if the writing had any meaning. I was a bit too focused on photographing to follow all the dialogue.I liked the flashlight scene, as it gave me a very different light to play with.Chris and Joe.Tom and Mariel. Playing with the foreground / background composition.I like the little camera they had rigged on the tripod. Corpus playroom has a rig of spotlights that lends itself to nice backlit photos.The porn producers.Rhianna’s character having some doubts about her chosen profession.One member of the production team had to step in. Amelia Oakley, who was also photographing the dress rehearsal got in this photo, but I decided not to crop her out as she kind of fitted with the voyeuristic feel of the scene.The cast sharing a moment together.Joe Spence. The light was very blue, but by warming the white balance a bit I could recover some colour.Mariel PetteeLucy MossNot sure what Mariel is doing to Tom here.Last photo from the dress rehearsal.
You can find tickets to the play on Corpus Playroom’s webpage. It is a very modern play with a different kind of story telling. It is a bit confusing if you are not paying it complete attention, but somehow it manages to weave all the disjointed pieces into a story. Go check it out!
Update: Review by Sarah-Jane Tollan for The Cambridge Student (9/10) and a Varsity review (3.5/5) by Nicholas Ashurst.
– Johannes
Chris Born
Hao Feng
Joe Spence
Rhianna Frost
Mariel Pettee
Avigail Tlalim
Lucy Moss
Flo Sagers
Tom Beaven
Joe Jukes
Production Team
Director – Tania Clarke
Producer – Ploy Kingchatchaval
Assistant Director – Joe Jukes
Lighting Designer – Catja Hamilton
Assistant Producer – Chloe Slattery, Julia Stanyard
Movement Coach – Eleanor Mack
Set Designer – Jack Parham
Stage Manager – Romilly Beddow
Technical Director – Rob Eager
Sound Designer – Jen Hutchings
Musician – Patrick Flynn
Props Master – Ly Phea
Costume Designer – Meg Honigmann
Associate Director – Jake Morris
Amelia Oakley – Artistic Adviser
Publicity Designer – Celia Dyson
Production Photographer – Amelia Oakley
Trailer Cinematographer – Nick Jones
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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