Heidi Salminen, Coralie Aulas and Marin Jalut-Motte joined me for an afternoon photoshoot out in Näsbypark. Most of Europe has been shut down since March, but Sweden is still pretty open, practising responsible social distancing. I am on my fourth week working from home, but once in a while I need to get out and do something fun. For this photoshoot I brought out the 200 mm f/2 lens which is a beast of a telephoto lens. It requires a lot of distance between the camera and the subject, which normally is a bit of a problem, but in this day and age, it might be seen as a feature. We met up at Näsbypark train station and headed down to Näsaäng.

We then moved to one of my favourite spots among the reeds. With the big aperture it was possible to get a great separation between the dancers and the background.

For the last part we decided to use a smoke grenade. They are a bit of hit and miss, but somehow the wind subsided as we were about to do this, and we got an amazing amount of smoke from the smoke grenade.

A few more photos before it was time to pack up and head back.

We also did a test take to see what a video looked like. Heidi suggested a piece of music, and it just worked with the clip as it was, so here it is, unedited. Enjoy!
Many thanks to Heidi, Coralie and Marin for a fun photoshoot! If you want to see more photoshoots with Heidi, Coralie and Marin click their names to the left, or check out their instagrams below.
Instagram: Heidi, Coralie, Marin, Johannes
— Johannes
So well done! Thank you a thousand times over for sharing this, Johannes!