This evening I met up with Riss Obolensky, Sophia Flohr and Harrison MacNeill at Emmanuel College to do a photoshoot for their upcoming play Free Fall which is the Corpus Playroom late show this week. There is an underground tunnel connecting two parts of the college, and we went down there to take a set of photos.
Sophia Flohr and Harrison MacNeill. Here we are lighting both of them with one flash from the right hand side. I asked Harrison to walk down the stairs and told him I would take the photo as soon as he took the last step on the stairs, to get the face expression right. They nailed it.Climbing on the “bridge”. We first tried to front light Sophia but that did not provide the dramatic feeling we wanted, so we decided to backlight her instead.Sophia and Harrison acting out one of the scenes from the play.Harrison MacNeill as RolandSophia Flohr as Andrea.Riss Obolensky the Director of the play.Sophia Flohr lit from the side. I wanted to see if we could get the light to only illuminate the centre of her face, so asked Sophia to let her hair down, and then we moved the flash centimeter by centimeter to get it right.Sophia FlohrSophia Flohr, Harrison MacNeill and Riss ObolenskyRiss Obolensky
Andrea – Sophia Flohr
Roland – Harrison MacNeill
Production Team
Director – Riss Obolensky
Producer – Kaiti Soultana
Associate Director – Hannah Sands
Stage Manager – Kate Stevenson
Costume Designer – Izzy Kent
Master Carpenter – Toby Molyneux
Lighting Designer – Johnny King
Technical Director – Ronit Wineman
Publicity Designer – Hannah Taylor
Production Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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