On the morning of my last day in Edinburgh, just hours before the flight, I met up with the cast of Hamlet for one last photoshoot. We went up to the National Monument on Carlton Hill. It was a beautiful sunny day. Here are some of the photos from this morning.

In this next photo I wanted to create a bit of depth, so asked Xelia to stand between the columns in the background. Her red dress made her stand out against the blue-grey background.

Not sure who it was that found the handprints on the column, but they provided a nice framing for the human skull.

Here you can find more photos from the Edinburgh Fringe. If you want to see what Hamlet and Ophelia look like, then check our previous photoshoot “Ophelia” back in Cambridge where Ophelia went for a swim with the local swans.
Hamlet – Joe Sefton
Ophelia – Laura Pujos
Gertrude – Xelia Mendes-Jones
Polonius – Hettie Blohm
Laertes – Tom Taplin
Claudius – Seth
Horatio – Alex Strouts
Gravedigger / Ensemble – Matt Gurtler
Marcellus / Ensemble – Julia Xavier Stier
Production Team
Director – Gaia Fay Lambert, Myles O’Gorman
Producer – Sam Nicholls
Assistant Producer/Stage Manager – Anna Jennings
Publicity Designer – Oscar Yang
Technical Designer – Claire Sosienski Smith
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
Fight Choreographer – Jess Slim
Technical Designer – Stephanie Friend
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