Yesterday I went out to Tyresö to photograph Johanna Hasmats, who is into fitness and body building. I got to know her during my PhD, when I was teaching a programming course. This was a bit of a spontaneous shoot, my original plan was to photograph my cousin, but her horse needed to go to the vet so we had to reschedule. I messaged Johanna who I’d been chatting with a few weeks prior and we decided to meet up after her friend’s wedding rehearsal. I put my new 35 mm lens on the camera, and packed the 85 mm lens which is ideal for portraits in the camera bag. We met up at an outdoor gym and after doing some warmup shots there headed off to a nearby lake. It was windless, and the water surface gave us some great reflections.

I’m on my way to visit one of my brothers who lives in Småland. For the non-Swedish readers, that is where IKEA began. The people in Småland are known for their entrepreneurship, and being a bit tight with money, kind of like the Scots. I’ve been editing the photos on my laptop for the past two hours, and now I’m writing the blog post. Violia is kind enough to provide internet on the train, but it is a bit flaky so going to post this after I arrive. This also means that Johanna won’t see the photos until I post them. She has an obsession with pink, so curious to hear what she thinks when she sees all the black and white photos.

On the way to the bus after finishing the shoot Johanna causally mentions that she does fire eating. I wish she had mentioned it earlier. Imagine the fire reflected in the still water, that would have been epic. If I did not have the early train ride this morning then I might have stayed a few more hours to get those shots. Now we have to save it for another time.
– Johannes
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