Lamia was a beautiful Queen of Libya who became the mistress of Zeus. Zeus’ wife Hera became jealous and stole Lamia’s children. This caused Lamia to lose her mind, and start devouring the children of others out of envy, thus repeating the monstrosity that created her. Later traditions refer to lamiae, which were monsters similar to vampires and succubi, seducing young men and feeding on their blood. (Wikipedia)
Sharla Petterson striking a pose by the tree on Sheep’s Green.Sharla Petterson and Jack Neill doing a flag.Harvey Klyne, Sharla Petterson and Jack Neill. After cleaning her feet Sharla climbed up. You have to be careful with the suits so they do not get dirty.So the idea was that Sharla would hold Harvey’s neck, but you cannot really see it from this angle.Sharla Petterson, Harvey Klyne and Jack Neill. One of my favourite photos from this shoot. To get a bit of extra moment we had Sharla move around on their shoulders.Sharla Petterson, Harvey Klyne and Jack Neill.Sharla Petterson and Jack Neill. Another one of my favourite photos from this shoot. Jack did an amazing jump.Jack Neill, Sharla Petterson and Harvey Klyne.Jack Neill, Sharla Petterson and Harvey Klyne. Casually carrying Sharla.Sharla Petterson and Harvey Klyne.Sharla Petterson and Harvey Klyne.Jack Neill.Sharla Petterson and Harvey Klyne.Jack Neil and Sharla Petterson. I really wonder what the bull was thinking when he saw this.No gymnasts were harmed in the making of these photos.
A big thank you to Sharla, Harvey and Jack for a fun afternoon photoshoot!
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