Our adventure in Paris continued. After brunch at a nice little French café we continued walking along the river Seine, heading towards the Louvre. We stopped at many beautiful locations on the way, but we also found a few, should I say, more unconventional places for tourists to linger. This is the second part of the Paris blog posts, you can find the first part “Paris is always a good idea” here.
Annie Magee under Pont Alexandre III. This bridge provided some beautiful light, and with a white dress Annie stands out in the photo. When we arrived there was no-one there taking photos, but after a while people started stopping to take photos.Genevieve and Lucy McMahon in the same spot.A bit of dare devil photography. Annie doing a yoga inspired pose.Lucy McMahon on Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor which is a walk bridge over the river Seine. The bridge provided some strong compositional lines for us to play with and by shooting from the lower level Lucy’s pose is clearly visible against the blue sky.Genevieve McMahon photographed under the bridge.After crossing the Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor we started to make our way towards the Louvre, but there were so many distractions on the way, like this beautiful alley of trees.Annie made a new friend. This is Marlowe, part Border Collie and part Czech Wolf. He and his owners were walking past us and we asked if it would be alright for him to join our photoshoot for a bit.Genevieve and Lucy McMahon. We really liked this alley of trees, so played around with several poses.We made it to the Louvre! Genevieve McMahon, Johannes Hjorth and Annie Magee. Photo by Lucy McMahon.Playing with a slightly overexposed edit of the photo of Annie in front of the iconic glass pyramids at the Louvre.
Annie Magee on Pont des Artes. Here I have switched to a larger aperture which gave a shallower depth of field. I ended up enhancing the blur a bit in photoshop as well.We made it to Notre Dame. The longest photoshoot I have done was coming to an end.The evening view from our terrace.
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