Pas de Deux

I met up with Daphne Chia and Rafael San Martin on the first morning of my Cambridge visit for a dance photoshoot at St John’s College. Our plan was to do a few Pas de Deux (“step of two”), i.e. poses with two dancers. The leaves were starting to turn yellow, so we had these amazing colours in the morning light.

Daphne Chia
Rafael San Martin and Daphne Chia. Behind-the-scenes photo as we were trying to sort out the pose.
Rafael San Martin and Daphne Chia. Slightly change of angle from above, we took so many photos to get this right.
Rafael San Martin and Daphne Chia doing a penché.
Rafael San Martin and Daphne Chia.
Rafael San Martin and Daphne Chia. Final photo before they needed to head off to lectures.

Many thanks to Daphne and Rafa for a fun morning photoshoot!

If you want to see more photos with them, click on their respective names above.

— Johannes

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