I had the opportunity to meet up with the cast and crew of Posh about an hour before their performance, and together we blitzed through a few scenes. It was a really good performance, and I am glad I had the chance to see their last show. Here are my favourite photos from our photoshoot.
“Now is the time to throw off our chains, to dance footloose upon the earth, to carpe some f***ing diem. We’ve earned tonight, gentlemen.”
Join the Riot Club, an elite group of privately-educated Oxford undergraduates, as they gather for their termly dinner in a hired room of a family-run pub. Taking place over the course of one evening, the dinner begins with hilarity and amusing drunkenness, but quickly descends into something darker. Be amused, then alarmed, by a series of increasingly disturbing jokes and disputes with the pub owner, his daughter, and a call girl. It will be a night of drinking. It will be a night of surprises. It will be a night that both the boys, and you, won’t be able to forget. The play that inspired the popular film ‘The Riot Club’, Posh is at once hilarious and disturbing, distantly elitist and yet uncomfortably close to home.
(Text from Camdram)
Dan Sanderson, Louis NorrisLouis Norris, Dan SandersonJoe Pieri, Jonah SurkesJoe Pieri, Jonah SurkesDavid Ruttle, Keir BakerSeth, Keir Baker, Jonah SurkesSeth, Joe PieriJonah SurkesPeter Chappell, Seth, Jonah SurkesPeter Chappell, Seth, Joe PieriPeter Chappell, David Ruttle, Seth, Jonah Surkes, Leo BenedictDavid Ruttle, Seth, Leo Benedict, Jonah Surkes, Dan SandersonPeter Chappell, David Ruttle, Seth, Leo BenedictDavid Ruttle, Seth, Max Campbell, Leo Benedict, Jonah SurkesJonah Surkes, Seth, Keir Baker, Ben Martineau, Leo BenedictKeir Baker, Joe Pieri, Jonah Surkes, George Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben MartineauDan Sanderson, Keir Baker, Leo Benedict, Peter ChappellDavid Ruttle, Keir Baker, Seth, Ben MartineauKeir Baker, George Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, SethBen Martineau, Joe Pieri, Jonah SurkesGeorge Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter Chappell, Keir BakerDan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter Chappell, Keir BakerBen Martineau, Max CampbellJonah Surkes, George Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, SethBen Martineau, Isobel Laidler, Max CampbellLeo BenedictDavid Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter ChappellSeth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter Chappell, Keir BakerGeorge Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Keir BakerJoe Pieri, Jonah Surkes, David Ruttle, Seth, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter Chappell, Ben MartineauSeth, Ben Martineau, Max CampbellGeorge Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben MartineauJoe Pieri, Jonah Surkes, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Leo BenedictDavid Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max CampbellJonah Surkes, Beth Hindhaugh, Seth, David RuttleDavid Ruttle, Beth HindhaughLeo Benedict, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Beth HindhaughJoe Pieri, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Ma Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Peter Chappell, Leo Benedict, Jonah SurkesGeorge Booth-Clibborn, Seth, Joe Pieri, Ben Martineau, Dan Sanderson, Isobel Laidler, Max Campbell, Leo Benedict, Peter ChappellIsobel Laidler, David Ruttle, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, George Booth-Clibborn, Seth
Unfortunately there was not enough time to do the final trashing scene where the table was destroyed, as it took too long to reset. So instead we did a last supper inspired photo with the cast.
Jonah Surkes, Peter Chappell, George Booth-Clibborn, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Joe Pieri, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict, Peter ChappellTop row: Beth Hindhaugh, Isobel Laidler, Peter Chappell, Joe Pieri, Louis Norris, Keir Baker Middle row: Jonah Surkes, David Ruttle, Seth, Ben Martineau, Max Campbell, Dan Sanderson, Leo Benedict Bottom row: Harrison Butler-Stroud, Lisa Bernhardt, Alex Ridley, Anna Jennings, Katherine Ridley, Mira Nadarajah, Tom Mullock, Chris L
Many thanks to the cast and crew for a great performance!
For more theatre photos, check the theatre tag on the blog.
James – Ben Martineau
Alistair – Seth
Harry – David Ruttle
Hugo – Leo Benedict
George – George Booth-Clibborn
Dimitri – Max Campbell
Guy – Dan Sanderson
Toby – Jonah Surkes
Miles – Peter Chappell
Ed – Joe Pieri
Jeremy – Louis Norris
Chris – Keir Baker
Rachel – Isobel Laidler
Charlie – Beth Hindhaugh
Production Team
Co-Producer – Alex Ridley, Katherine Ridley
Director – Anna Jennings
Publicity Designer – Oscar Yang
Master Carpenter – Tom Mullock
Lighting Designer – Chris L
Sound Designer – Chris L
Set Designer – Lisa Bernhardt
Stage Manager – Harrison Butler-Stroud
Costume Designer – Mira Nadarajah
Fight Adviser – Isaac Jordan
Turkey Extraordinaire – Rhys Thomson, Alex Ridley
Photographer – Lisa Bernhardt, Johannes Hjorth, Oscar Yang
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