When you photograph a sunrise the best colours begin about an hour before the sunrise. If the sunrise is at 5:30, then you have to set the alarm for 4:00. There are not many people about at that hour, but nature comes alive as it gets lighter and the birds start to sing. Matilda and I did a photoshoot early in the morning on Jesus Green, here is a selection of the photos from our shoot.
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Sunlight fills every darkened recess,
Bounding through opened windows.
The wind dances and sings,
Teasing the curtains of Timidity.
Infectious laughter like a flamenco,
wraps around my waist, spinning merrily.
“Let go! Let go!” the sunbeams sing.
Flowers pirouette prettily in their shining glass.
The scent of unchartered wonder fills the air.
“Thumbelina! Thumbelina! Wearing the petaled skirt!”
“You are small and the Earth large, isn’t it exciting!”
“Take hold on a stalk of Courage and float away!”
“ No prisoner of frog or prince will you be,
fly always and be free!”

It was a really early morning, but it was a very fun shoot. You get to see a different side of Cambridge at this hour, and it is interesting to see the town come to life, with the morning joggers, dog walkers and early bikers. Many thanks to Matilda for a great shoot!
— Johannes
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