This past Sunday I met up with Moa Andreasson and Wilma R who study at the Royal Ballet School in Stockholm for a photoshoot at Rålambshovsparken. We decided to meet up at 8:00 in the morning, so we would have some time before everyone else showed up. Our plan was to first do some photos under Västerbron where there is a skateboard park, and then to head over to the nearby Smedsuddsbadet.
For those curious about the blog post name: Terpischore is the Greek goddess of dance.
Moa Andreasson – Retiré et cambré. The morning sun gave us some strong shadows. Here Moa is standing in the sun with the area behind her in shadow for maximum contrast. Wilma is just outside the frame on the right hand side with a reflector aimed at Moa.Wilma R doing an attitude. Here I noticed the strong diagonal shadows, so we had Wilma stand at the end of it.Moa Andreasson doing an arabesque. Again we are playing with the shadow lines. Who would have known skateboard ramps could provide such a great setting for a dance photoshoot.Moa Andreasson in a cambré back bend. In several of these photos I have had to do extensive photoshopping to remove graffiti. The price you have to pay for a location like this, but it is well worth the extra bit of work.Wilma R. An hour or so later the skate boarders started to show up. They were kind enough to give us a bit of room so we could finish the last few photos.Moa Andreasson och Wilma R. We decided to do a few photos with both Moa and Wilma together.Moa Andreasson – Attitude. As we were about to leave I remembered that there was a round concrete pit (not the correct term, but I think you get what I mean) next to the place were we had first been. This pit in the ground did not look very inspiring, but turned out to have the most amazing light.Moa AndreassonMoa Andreasson – À la seconde. The walls were not quite this tall, so I have extended the wall in Photoshop to create more of a studio look.Wilma R and her friend Simon.Moa AndreassonWilma R. Turning the other direction we found another nice spot in the pit to take a few portraits.Wilma R and Moa Andreasson. “Could you photo bomb Wilma after I get the first photo.” Moa did not wait for me to get the first normal shot, instead jumped right in.Moa AndreassonMoa Andreasson and Wilma R. Behind the scenes.Wilma and Moa. One last photo by the skateboard ramp before we moved.Moa Andreasson. Just a quick leaning against a concrete pillar photo before we were heading off to grab some food and look through the first series of photos.Moa Andreasson. On the way to the lunch place we saw this white concrete structure. Someone had leaned a log against the wall, so it was possible to climb up on the roof. Such an obvious invitation would be rude to pass up on, so up we went.Moa Andreasson. Moving around the structure I found another nice angle to shoot from.Moa Andreasson. After lunch the idea was to go to the beach, but we made a quick stop at Rålambhovsparkens amphietheatre.Moa Andreasson and Wilma R.Wilma R in the water.Wilma R. Kicking water and posing is not quite as easy as Wilma makes it look here.Wilma R. One of my favourite water splashing photos.Moa Andreasson – Attitude by a lamp post.Moa Andreasson. Moa had spotted this little second beach just next to the first. To get this shot I was lying down on the beach just by the waterline with my camera as low as possible. The trees in the background provided a really nice framing.Moa Andreasson – Penché.Moa Andreasson
We also recorded a few video clips that I edited into a short long video. Have a look!
A big thank you to Moa and Wilma for a really fun photoshoot!
For more dance photos, see the dance category on the blog or on Instagram.
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