Yesterday Michelle Holmström, Alicia Widlund and Vilma Thilander from Stockholm Danscenter came out to Näsbypark for a sparkling photoshoot. We did a few dance photos first before bringing out the glitter.
Vilma Thilander colour matching with the walls.Michelle Holmström had such amazing hair that we just had to play around with it. Multiple hair tosses later we had this photo. The trick is to do the hair whip slowly, so that the hair almost hangs in the air.Alicia Widlund floating in the Green room.Alicia Widlund and Michelle HolmströmMichelle Holmström. Time for the glitter. We found that by starting with the finest grained glitter first, and then successively adding bigger pieces we got a really beautiful setup.Alicia Widlund behind the scenes, getting raid for some hair and glitter magic.Vilma ThilanderMichelle, Alicia and VilmaVilma, Alicia and MichelleAlicia WidlundMichelle, Vilma and Alicia. As the sun started getting lower we got this beautiful orange glow.Michelle and AliciaMichelleAlicia and VilmaAlicia Widlund. The last few rays of sunlight.
Many thanks to Michelle, Alicia and Vilma for a fun photoshoot!
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