Tag: Elea Standal

March 10, 2025 / / Dance

Elea Standal, Mathea Eriksen and Dorthea Serine Kvarv Andreassen from Balettakademien came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. It was great fun to shoot with this trio from Norway. We started with individual photos,…

December 19, 2024 / / Dance

Denna veckan framför Balettakademiens treor “Through Their Eyes”. Det är ett musikal-projekt som utforskar det abstrakta. Genom brev möter vi rädslor, viljor, tvivel, framtidstro och kärlek. Numrena ackompanjeras av kända låtar ur musikalvärlden som sammanflätade tematiken…

August 20, 2024 / / Dance

Joakim Pham, Elea Standal och jag spenderade en måndag på Dansmuseet tillsammans med Hans Öjmyr, Erik Mattsson, Merituuli Holm. Uppgiften var att fotografera dansare tillsammans med olika föremål ur museets samlingar. Tack till Hans, Erik,…

May 31, 2024 / / Dance

Yesterday Balettakademien had the dress rehearsal for Rant at Dieselverkstaden in Stockholm. This show has five pieces choreographed by Madeleine Marquart, Anna Holmström, Satoshi Kudo, Eytan Sivak and Matilda Fleberg and performed by year 1…

December 18, 2023 / / Dance

Last week Linn Hermander and Karolin Lysén from Beckmans College of Design, together with Signe Åman, Ronja Strid and Sofia Nyström from Fryshuset Danscenter and Elea Standal from Balettakademien all convened on Lidingö for a…

December 13, 2023 / / Dance

Yesterday Lights Out premiered at Balettakademien. Here is a glimpse from their dress rehearsal. It was a massive performance, with seven classes and around 140 dancers. Drifting — At some point they were drifting, discovering…

October 21, 2023 / / Dance

Yesterday, October 20th, Balettakademien hosted an open stage. It is always fun to see what new creations the dancers and choreographers have created. I was there for the first run through and took some photos.…

October 9, 2023 / / Dance

This past Saturday Elea Standal and Dorthea Serine Kvarv Andreassen from Balettakademien came out to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot in my Green Room. We experimented a bit with some different furniture, and some plastic…

April 5, 2023 / / Dance

This past Sunday Elea Standal, Eva Borren and Dorthea Serine Kvarv Andreassen joined me for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. This trio from Norway studies dance at Balettakademien in Stockholm. We had beautiful sunlight so…

December 13, 2022 / / Dance

Today I had the opportunity to photograph “Between Us” performed at Balettakademien this week. You can find the tickets on Balettakademien´s webpage. It was great fun to photograph, with lots of interesting choreographies and great…