This past weekend we headed to Gotland to celebrate Jonas’ belated 40th birthday. The mission was called “Team Gotland 40”, and included Jonas (Birthday boy), Erik (Legal affairs), Johannes (Photo specialist), Fredrik (Wine specialist), Gustaf (Game leader), Pär (Personal banker) and Carl-Johan (Boat specialist). All the details of the trip will not be declassified until 2118, but here is a glimpse of what happened.
Waiting to board the ferry to Gotland at Nynäshamn.Team rosterSleepy team mate, meditating on family life.JonasWe have arrived in Visby.Pär exploring.Jonas and Fredrik proving that they too can do impressive poses. Notice the creepy shadow-hand that Jonas has here.I guess the guys have watched some of the photos on my instagram. Layman’s arabesque?One of Visby’s many church ruins.Gustaf, Erik (documenting his food), Pär and Jonas. There was a lot of meta-photography going on.JonasFredrik and ErikCarl-JohanPär, Fredrik and GustafJonasJonas, Pär and some champagne.Jonas, Erik and Carl-Johan.Jonas, on the way to the dinner restaurant.FredrikJohannesPärCarl-JohanI could not resist a good water puddle.
The dinner was really great, but I did not take any photos. So fast forward to the day after.
Sunday, time to depart.Our home for the weekend.Carl-Johan, Fredrik, Gustaf, Jonas and Erik. Pär has departed early to fly to Stockholm to watch the Dreamhack Counter Strike final.Some beautiful raukar.Fredrik on a quest for the perfect lunch spot.The rest of Team Gotland 40 are not quite as enthusiastic about the choice of location.Fredrik had the bag with the sandwiches, so after we realised that, we all scurried over for some much needed food.Adult ballet class #2. Gustaf, Carl-Johan, Erik, Jonas and Fredrik.More photography.JonasJonas and Carl-JohanErik and Fredrik
Many thanks to Jonas and the rest of Team Gotland 40 for a great weekend! A belated happy birthday to Jonas!
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