The Pembroke Players are doing a tour in Japan and wanted some promotion photos. Rima Dodd contacted me back in July and I thought it sounded fun. I have previously photographed another show also directed by Emma Wilkinson. If you are curious, have a look at the old Don Giovanni photos. Yesterday I went to the Corpus Playroom for the first time, it was a small and warm little stage with the audience sitting on the same level as the actors and on two sides of the square stage.
We decided to run through parts of the play, and see what shots I would get. Then after that we would pose a few static scenes and then finally end with some portrait shots of the cast and crew. Before they started acting they did a warmup which involved them standing in a circle and passing an imaginary ball of energy around. I might not have seen it, but given the reactions it caused, the ball seemed pretty real to me.

Just learned that it was possible to do image galleries, so trying it out below with the portrait photos I took. The thumbnails do not really do the photos justice, if you click on them you get a larger version.

That’s it, about two hours of photographing condensed into a few photos. If you are curious to see the show, they are performing in Ely Cathedral (11 September, 19:30) and the Round Church (12-13 September, 19:30) before leaving for Japan. Tickets for Ely are available here.
Reviews: Varsity (3/5), The Cambridge Student (4/10)
Antonio – James Ellis
Bassanio – Charlie Merriman
Jessica – Jess Peet
Gratiano / The Prince of Morocco / Tubal – Sam Grabiner
Nerissa – Kassi Chalk
Portia – Kate Reid
Salerio – Seb Sutcliffe
Shylock – George Kan
Lorenzo / The Prince of Arragon / Duke – Sam Oladeinde
Solanio – Joshan Chana
Production Team
Tour Manager – Rima Dodd
Tour Adviser – Matt Pullen
(Japan) Tour Coordinator – James Sharp
Director – Emma Wilkinson
Production Manager – Adam Smith
Publicity Designer – Hannah Taylor
Production Designer – Olivia Fletcher
Verse Advisor – Charlotte Quinney
Production Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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