Wrapped in Lace

Earlier this week Lucinda Rosell and I did an evening photoshoot in Näsbypark. We went down to Kråkudden for the first part, to make use of the golden light there, and then when the sun had moved behind the tree line to head in to the green room for some portrait photos.

Lucinda Rosell. The sun peeked out through the cloud cover for a little while, which gave us an amazing golden evening light.
Lucinda Rosell. It was quite a windy day, so we had a lot of waves crashing into the stones.
Lucinda Rosell balancing on a slippery rock.
Lucinda Rosell. For the next part we moved into the reeds, which has become another of my favourite spots to photograph
Lucinda Rosell reaching for the sky.
Lucinda Rosell
Lucinda Rosell. There is this wooden construction close to where I live, which I have gone past several times and thought could look great for a photo. So we headed there, and took a few photos. I probably should have had a wider lens, so we could have got better shots of the inside of it.
Lucinda Rosell in the green room.
Lucinda Rosell
Lucinda Rosell. I really like how the cloth wraps around to create a feeling of a painting.
Lucinda Rosell
Lucinda Rosell had brought a lace table cloth which we taped to the window.
Lucinda Rosell and her red rose.
Lucinda Rosell

Many thanks to Lucinda for a fun photoshoot!

Instagram: Lucinda, Johannes

— Johannes

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