Last week 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche played as the late show in Corpus Playroom. I met up with the cast just before their last performance and together we staged some photos from the play. After the play finished we did a few more photos before calling it a night. Here is a glimpse from the play.
It’s 1956 and the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their annual quiche breakfast. Will they be able to keep their cool when Communists threaten their idyllic town?

In four years do you think anyone is going to care if we’re lesbians or not? It will be 1960. We could probably all get married if we wanted to!

‘No men. No meat. All manners.’

‘We are the Susan B Anthony society, for the sisters of Gertrude Stein, we are a strong and vibrant society together til the end of all time.’

‘I know celia is a lesbian, I saw her push a lawnmower once’

The egg is the closest to the lord Jesus Christ that a piece of food can get.

‘Ew. I can’t even think about it. She might as well have put meat in the quiche’

‘Widows! Don’t you see! We don’t have to pretend anymore!’

‘I’m not a lesbian. I just really, really, really enjoy quiche.’

‘Oh ginny sweetheart, you must learn to stop being such an attention hog. Your in America now!’

‘Looks like theres someone here whose too ashamed to ever let the light of day see her quiche again’

I hope you had a chance to see this post apocalyptic play! It was great fun!
Reviews: Varsity (5/5), TCS (5/5), The Tab (4/5)
Ginny – Emma Kemsley-Pein
Vern – Amy Malone
Lulie – Evie Butcher
Wren – Molly Stacey
Dale – Emma Blacklay-Piech
Production Team
Co-Director – Elinor Lipman, Rhiannon Shaw
Publicity Designer – Hannah Taylor
Producer – Raniyah Qureshi
Assistant Producer – Lucy Twisleton
Stage Manager – Elizabeth Howcroft
Musical Director – Eloise Poulton
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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