“23, Please” is a new sketch show by Adam Woolf, Enrico Hallworth and Rufus McAlister. Directed by Jasmin Rees. They were rehearsing their show tonight at the Corpus Playroom, and I got a chance to take some…
Category: Photography
The last photoshoot before I headed back to Stockholm was a second session with the Alice cast and crew. Here is a selection of the photos from both the first session at the ADC Theatre…
The morning before I was flying back to Stockholm I met up with Daphne Chia for a photoshoot in Cambridge. We started on Jesus Green and then headed towards the city centre. Daphne is both…
In Greek mythology Terpsichore is one of the nine muses, and the goddess of dance and chorus. So it felt like a fitting name for this blog post. A group of dancers and a nice sunset…
Charlie Grieco and I did a photoshoot at her family home. Their house is surrounded by fields, with a little river floating by. Our plan was to do some dance photos, and I had also brought…