We had talked about doing a weekend trip for a while at work, and this past weekend we finally managed to make it happen. With me was Jovana Belic, Parul Tewatia, Andrei Kramer and Hazal Koptagel. Our destination was Öland, which last visited over 20 years ago. It had been a bit chilly in Stockholm, but going south we expected it to get warmer. That turned out not to be the case, and we passed through a snowy landscape on our way. When we switched trains in Linköping it snowed. Luckily it was a couple of plus degrees in Kalmar where we switched to a rental car and drove over to Öland.
Parul TewatiaHazal KoptagelJohannes Hjorth at a snowy Linköping train station. Photo by Parul.Hazal Koptagel and Johannes Hjorth. Photo by Jovana.Jovana Belic and Andrei KramerThe bridge to Öland
Through Airbnb we had found a great old place built in 1840 to stay at. Our hosts Boel and Rune told us that normally their guests do not come quite this early in spring, but they had arranged for a set of electrical radiators to be placed in the house. The house was “kulturminnesmärkt” which meant they are not allowed to make modifications to it, so there was no running water in the house. Toilet and shower was in an adjacent building. The upper floor contained a museum with lots of old items, a great location for a small photoshoot.
Hazal Koptagel in the museum.Hazal KoptagelJovana Belic, Parul Tewatia, Hazal Koptagel and Andrei Kramer with the main house in the background.Eketorps borg. It had not opened for the season, but the front gate was open, so it was possible to just walk in. Also part of the wall on the far side was gone, so I suppose we would have been able to get in even if the gate was closed.Hazal Koptagel. The original castle was constructed in 300-400 AD, and then modified 400-650 AD, and finally in 1170-1240 AD. What you see now is a modern reconstruction of the castle.Johannes Hjorth, photo by Hazal.Hazal Koptagel and Andrei Kramer. I can not resist the reflections of a good water puddle.Hazal Koptagel walking back to the car with the sun setting behind her.Hazal Koptagel, Jovana Belic, Parul Tewatia and Andrei Kramer. Dinner on our first evening.Saturday morning. The plan was to do a small photoshoot with Jovana and Parul, and then head off to see the northern parts of Öland. While waiting Hazal played on the old pump-organ we found in one of the rooms.Hazal Koptagel and Andrei Kramer trying to replicate the old style staged photos.Jovana Belic in her beautiful new white dress.Jovana BelicJovana BelicJovana BelicJovana Belic reading the Bible. One of my favourite photos from the trip.Jovana Belic and Parul TewatiaParul Tewatia and Jovana BelicParul Tewatia, Jovana Belic and Hazal KoptagelParul TewatiaParul TewatiaJovana Belic at Jordhamn windmillJovana BelicJovana BelicHazal Koptagel reading Boris Vian. Sunday morning.After checking out from Airbnb, and returning the car, we headed to Kalmar castle.“Medici’s fashion”, an exhibit by Isabelle de Borchgrave showcasing beautiful costumes made out of paper..
Many thanks to Hazal, Andrei, Jovana and Parul for a fun weekend!
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