Formas de Hormigón

Ellen Eklöv, Jasmine Skog, Vilma Thilander and Norea Humla met up with me at Tranebergsbron for an afternoon dance photoshoot. It was a scorching hot day, so it was quite nice to seek refuge in the shade under the bridge. You get really beautiful light in the shade, with the sky acting as one giant soft box. There were two other groups photographing and filming there while we did our photoshoot.

Jasmine Skog
Norea Humla
Ellen Eklöv
Ellen Eklöv
Jasmine Skog
Norea Humla and Ellen Eklöv
Vilma Thilander and Norea Humla

I had brought with me two lenses: an 85 mm f/1.8 traditional portrait lens that I did most of my photos with, and then a 20mm f/2.8 lens that I have only used a few times since I bought it while living in Cambridge. The optical quality is not the best, and it has some serious distortion, but it does allow you to take some different photos. One idea I had was to photograph really close to the ground, and then have the dancers towering over the camera.

Ellen Eklöv. This photo was shot with the 20 mm lens, and you can see how it distorts the proportions of Ellen.
Vilma Thilander and Ellen Eklöv. Photographed with the 20mm lens from a low angle.
Ellen Eklöv and Vilma Thilander. Here I switched back to the 85 mm lens, and you can see that the proportions of arms and legs are much more balanced.
Jasmine Skog, Vilma Thilander, Ellen Eklöv and Norea Humla. Last photo of the day.

Many thanks to Ellen, Jasmine, Vilma and Norea for a fun photoshoot!

Instagram: Ellen, Jasmine, Vilma, Johannes

— Johannes

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