Cambridge University Shakespeare Players are taking Hamlet to the Fringe. I met up with Laura Pujos, Joe Sefton, Gaia Fay Lambert and Myles O’Gorman to do a photoshoot for the play. Our plan was to go to Byron’s Pool which is located in Granchester, however it turned out to be quite tricky to find, so we ended up in a nearby pond together with a family of swans.
Laura Pujos as Ophelia and Joe Sefton as HamletPlaying with reflections. The pond itself was quite dirty, so I had to remove a lot of debris using photoshop.Laura Pujos slowly stepping into the water.Laura Pujos floating in the water with Joe Sefton’s reflection in the top left-hand corner,Playing around a bit with the reflection.Closeup of Laura’s blue eyes. Our plan was to throw in some red roses around her and take some more photos, but the swan family must have thought it was food for them, and came closer.Laura Pujos and the swan family.After retreating up on land Joe and Laura returned into the water. Out of frame to the right Gaia is keeping a watchful eye on the swans.Joe Sefton and Laura PujosLaura Pujos and Joe SeftonSwan mom and dad, and their four little swan-lings. At one point the kids were riding on their mom’s back.
Poster design by Hannah Grace Taylor, you can find more information about her work and rates on her design webpage.
I really like the look of this. The rain that was causing a bit of trouble during the shoot adds an extra layer of atmosphere, distorting the reflection of Hamlet just slightly.
Many thanks to Laura, Joe, Gaia and Myles for a fun and creative photoshoot!
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