Today I went to Girton College to do a photo shoot with Rhianna Frost. Girton is quite far out, but it is well worth the trip. With help from Ben Glassberg we got access to the old college library, which has a great atmosphere. We wanted to get a few good headshots, and then some fun shots. Here is a small selection of the photos we took.
There were big windows lining the old library that we took advantage of.Ben was helping out holding the reflector. While Rhianna was changing clothes, I got a few shots of him.Notice the difference a little shift in angle does.It is all about having fun. The big windows in the library looked spectacular, and I figured we should make better use of them. This was shot as a silhouette photo, but then I decided to lift the shadows in Photoshop so you could see more of Ben and Rhianna.Testing different shadows, here I wanted just a little triangle of light under her right eye.Girton has a lot of great architecture inside. Here a spiral staircase. There were also lots of interesting corridors.
There you have it, a quick glimps from the photo shoot.
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