After an initial burst of warm weather, the cold weather has returned. This past Sunday morning Nichole Olguin Jönsson came to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot to try and bring some of that spring feeling back. Recrear la primavera, recreate spring.

Nichole Olguin Jönsson är utbildad dansare i London på Laine Theatre Arts och studerar på Karlstads universitet, pedagogik och dans. Hon har dansat och koreograferat olika projekt och uppsättningar. Som 11 åring debuterade hon med sin första uppsättning av musikalen Oliver Twist på Kristianstad Teater.
Nichole Olguin Jönsson

We had packed up and were about to head back when we realised we had not done any photos among the reeds. The water level is quite low, so it was possible to go deep into the reeds without getting our feet wet.

Many thanks to Nicole for a fun photoshoot!
Instagram: Nicole, Johannes
— Johannes
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