Water and talcum powder make a huge mess. Alicia Krozer and I tried to combine the two in a photoshoot, and here is what happened. We filled a bathtub with warm water, then added lots of talcum powder to Alicia’s face. Some of it fell down in the bathtub floating on the surface, eventually mixing. To light the scene we placed a flash on the floor aiming it at the roof to get indirect light. I overexposed the photos slightly to give them a more high key look and feel.

It was fun but be prepared for a royal mess if you try this. Many thanks to Alicia Krozer for a fun morning!
— Johannes
Som vanligt missar jag nästan alla av dina bilder, men när jag tar mig tid att titta på dem – wow. I det här fallet tycker jag framför allt den fjärde bilden är magisk. Jag har sagt det förut, men du blir bara bättre och bättre. Jag bugar mig.