I met up with Auréliane Lili Pierret, Fi Chang, Gemma Goodfellow, Harvey Klyne, Jack Neil, Kenneth Wong, Sharla Petterson and Matt Mahmoudi on Jesus Green. It was Suicide Sunday a bit after the cardboard boat race…
Tag: Harvey Klyne
Lamia was a beautiful Queen of Libya who became the mistress of Zeus. Zeus’ wife Hera became jealous and stole Lamia’s children. This caused Lamia to lose her mind, and start devouring the children of…
There is a famous book published in 1937 called “The Night Climbers of Cambridge” which recounts various climbing routes done by students in the 1930s during the guise of night. Our little photoshoot at Trinity College…
Alice is at the Fringe. From tomorrow and for two weeks you have the chance to see this Cambridge Circus take the stage in Edinburgh at the Gilded Balloon. They had their get-in yesterday, and…