Trinity May Ball 2018

This week the students in Cambridge celebrate the end of the academic year with a set of May Balls, and first among them is Trinity May Ball. I was invited by Neil Cunningham who was the president of this year’s may ball to photograph. I will let the pictures speak for themselves, it was am amazing evening!

Nevile’s Court at Trinity College.
Great Court at Trinity college
Anne Levine and Fosca
Lara Dillingham, Louise Marzano, Molly O’Brien, Naemi Melvin, Susannah Ashfield, Flora Charatan, Garance Biosse-Duplan and Tilly Eno
Jamie Robson
Hannah Taylor
Jamie Coltman, Morgan Rogers, Allie Weaving, Josh Rose, Elliot Cheung, Darcy Evans, Carolyn Rogers, Hannah Grace Taylor, Alex Allen and Bethan McGrath
Nancy John and Jonny Carr
Catalina Garcia
Georgie Roberts
Stefanie Mavrakou
Shimali de Silva, Rebecca Fry and Anna Moody
Emma Richards, Sophia Wigg and Alice Jay
Nick Reyner
Hannah Charlotte Copley and KC Lee
Nevile’s Court
Charlie Sparkes
Nicholas Hulbert, Shanti Grace Daffern, James Ellis and Alistair Somerville
Neil Cunningham
Harriet Rouse, Ian Sillett and Neil Cunningham
Harriet Rouse and Ian Sillett
Minchego Smith, Jack P, Daisy Jones, Alex Hill, Madeleine Rose Mercer and Emma Buchanan
Minchego Smith, Jack P, Alex Hill, Daisy Jones, Madeleine Rose Mercer, Clara van Wel, Emma Buchanan and Callum Hale-Thomson
Clara van Wel and Callum Hale-Thomson
Madeleine Rose Mercer, Daisy Jones and Callum Hale-Thomson
Declan Amphlett and Callum Hale-Thomson
Ruby, Claire T-S and Becky Shepherdson
Time for fireworks
A lost swan and her baby among the punts.
Anna Rebecca, Jake Kroeger and Lana del Bog-off
Cameron Pearce, Christian Mok, Ella Maton-Lewis, Annika Koljonen, Annia Mirza and Gabriel Wang
Philippa Chambers and Ella Benson
Wren Library was lit up by a 3D show.
Stefanie Mavrakou
Lina Fradin, Mina Frost and Flynn Christie
Shanti Grace Daffern and Nicholas Hulbert
Rosa Tyler-Clark and Stephen Allwright
Shanti Grace Daffern and Nicholas Hulbert
Peter Akyol, Marcus R Fletcher and Matt Cockerill
Olivia Shears and Izzy Shears
Shaun Matos, Aidan Marks, Bartek Calka, Ruby, Joel Bradbury and Claire T-S
Claire T-S
Anne Levine and Fosca
Anna Bates and the fantastic seven tier Trinity cake.
Stefanie Mavrakou and Johannes Hjorth
Zak Ghazi-Torbati and Toby Marlow
Rebecca Metzer and Annabel Mahgerefteh
Toby Marlow and Zak Ghazi-Torbati
The Main Stage
Evvia Gonzales
Ashleigh Weir, Louisa Keight, Eve Delaney, Rhiannon Shaw and Rufus McAlister
Tiggy McDowell
Chloe Cunningham. The flash from the mobile phone was on for a split second, but it was enough to take the photo.
Jasmine Graham
Tim Otto and Anna Moody
Becky Shepherdson
Anna Moody, Rebecca Fry, Becky Shepherdson and Shimali de Silva
This old couple might have been my favourites to photograph. It made me really happy to see them dance together.
Ashleigh Weir and Jamie P Robson
Stefanie Mavrakou

A big thank you to the Trinity May Ball committee, and to Stefanie Mavrakou who helped me throughout the evening.

Review: Varsity 4.5/5

To see more May Ball photos, check the May Ball tag.

— Johannes

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