“If someone had told you that tomorrow you would be wrapped in cling film in a tree, would you have believed it?” For Bethan Davidson that was just what happened, but let us rewind a bit and start from the beginning. Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club (CUADC for short) is staging A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Edinburgh Fringe. I met up with the cast and crew yesterday to do some promotion photos with them. Sarah Stacey and Chloe S explained that they were going for a dark and nightmarish midsummer night’s dream. We gathered at St John’s College at 4pm, and got permission to photograph there as long as we did not disturb anyone. The college were in the middle of preparing for the upcoming May Ball on Tuesday next week.
I can not remember if it was Sarah or Chloe that got the idea, but where better not to disturb anyone than by hiding inside one of the big trees on the college grounds. I half expected the porters to come wondering what on earth we were doing and then throw us out, but they never came.

“Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind.
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”

“That you have but slumber’d here While these visions did appear.”

One thing I found out while doing these portraits was that my eye could not really tell the difference the reflector was making, but for the camera it made a huge difference. See if you can spot which ones of the portraits we used reflectors for.
Keep you eyes out for this play, and also check out the production of Titus Andronicus that are joining them at the Edinburgh Fringe in August. Many thanks to the cast and crew for a most interesting and fun afternoon!
Puck – Katurah Morrish
Bottom – Ronald Prokes
Oberon, Theseus, Peter Quince – Tom Chamberlain
Titania, Hippolyta – Bethan Davidson
Lysander, Peaseblossom, Francis Flute – Hannah C.
Demetrius, Cobweb, Tom Snout – Jack Needham
Hermia, Moth, Snug – Alice Carlill
Helena, Mustardseed, Robin Starveling – Eleanor Mack
Production Team
Co-director – Sarah Stacey, Chloe S
Co-producer – Sarah Stacey, Chloe S
Set Designer – Jonah Coe-Scharff
Costume Designer – Nell Whittaker
Stage Manager – Ted Loveday
Make-up Designer – Talia Robertson
Publicity Designer – Charlotte Randall
Sound Designer – Michael Davin
Lighting Designer/Technical Director – Ryan Watson
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
Movement Choreographer – Lucy Moss
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