There is another Johannes at the ADC Theatre, and he contacted me a couple of weeks ago about shooting a poster for ‘Tis Pity She’s A Whore. We did an initial shoot in the Larkum Studio, the light was good but the look was not there yet. This past weekend I went to photograph the tech rehearsal of Racing Demon, however their get in was going slowly so while we waited I had a chat with Bea, who also is the assistant director for ‘Tis Pity. We talked about the poster shoot, and decided to try and reshoot it right then and there. Ed volunteered to do the male part, and Kathryn who was doing the lighting design of Racind Demon helped us sort out the spotlights. I suppose the straggling actors that arrived on set got a bit of a surprise, where their very piety set had turned into some seedy establishment in Amsterdam.

There you have it. In the end because of tight printing deadlines we did not use these new shots for the printed poster, but they might appear for the online promotion. If you want to read about the rest of that day’s shoot with Racing Demon then there is a blog post about the get in.
– Johannes
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