Yesterday Joanna Vymeris, Anahita Talwar and Charlie Grieco met up with me at the Natural History Museum in London for a dance photoshoot. The personnel and visitors were very friendly, and we got some great shots. The main hall has beautiful light. After that we went to the Victoria and Albert Museum across the road that had some exquisite statues. Unfortunately we got kicked out of there, taking off your shoes was not okay.
Joanna VymerisJoanna Vymeris at the Natural History Museum.Charlie Grieco putting on her pointe shoe.Charlie Grieco, Anahita Talware and Joanna Vymeris forming a triangle on the stairs.Anahita Talwar, Joanna Vymeris and Charlie Grieco. We had to wait quite a while for the stairs to clear, but then we got this shot. The trick to getting a nice arch with the cloth is not to move it too fast.Charlie Grieco on point.Anahita Talwar. Again there were lots of people so we had to wait for the elevator to clear.An audience with the Gods. Joanna Vymeris.Leaving South Kensington.Anahita Talwar by a daylight window.Here we started playing with a bit longer exposures to see if we could blur the people in the background.Longer shutter time still, and now we start seeing an effect. The closer the moving people are to the camera the more motion blurred they will be.Moving trains. We decided to give our train a miss and wait for the next one to get this shot.Playing with light and shadows.Taking a portrait of Joanna, while checking the exposure for the dance photos.Joanna Vymeris. These photos are taken under a bridge.Anahita Talwar nailing her pose.Joanna Vymeris playing with the transparent red cloth.Charlie Grieco, Joanna Vymeris and Anahita Talwar. A quick group photo before Joanna had to head off.Anahita TalwarAnahita Talwar. Her red dress stands out nicely against the blue background.Charlie Grieco. We were searching for the kaleidoscope that was supposed to be newly installed in one of the tunnels. It turned out to be a one day only exhibit, so we missed it.Anahita Talwar, in one of my favourite shots from the day. The different segments of the fountain turned on and off, so you could walk into the open space inside if you were quick.Charlie GriecoIt was starting to get a bit windy…Very windy!Anahita Talwar and Charlie Grieco with St Pauls Cathedral in the background.Charlie Grieco on point. We were lucky that the bike passed by so I could include it in the frame for a more interesting composition.Charlie Grieco on the way home. Here again we are experimenting with longer shutter times to see if we could make everyone else blurry.Charlie and Anahita, last photo of the night. Resting on the underground train.
This was a really fun afternoon and evening! Many thanks to Charlie, Anahita and Joanna! Now time for me to pack and head back to Stockholm. I hope to be able to visit Cambridge one more time during the autumn.
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