Tag: Ahtayaw Ea

June 19, 2024 / / Dance

This past Sunday Ahtayaw Ea came to Näsbypark for a dance photoshoot. We always try to create something new, and here we experimented with longer exposure times and movement. This means that your hit rate…

February 13, 2024 / / Dance

This past Saturday Ahtayaw Ea and Johannes Tenstam came out to Näsbypark for a photoshoot. We experimented both with different lenses and longer exposure times to capture motion and mood. The blog post title refers…

November 21, 2022 / / Dance

This past Saturday I met up with Ahtayaw Ea and Alexandra Dahlqvist in Hagaparken in Stockholm. It was a pretty cold day, and we were promised some snowfall. Unfortunately it did not start snowing until…

May 24, 2022 / / Dance

Yesterday Balettakademien’s “Restacks” show had their dress rehearsal at Dansens Hus. Great show, here is a glimpse from the evening! You can find more info and tickets on Balettakademien’s webpage. It was a real treat…

October 25, 2021 / / Photography

This past Sunday Aethyu Ea and Ahtayaw Ea came out to Näsbypark for a photoshoot. We did not have much luck with the weather, so we decided to bring a little of the autumn into…

September 28, 2021 / / Dance

Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living Barely getting by, it’s all taking and no giving They just use your mind, and they never give you credit It’s enough to drive…

September 12, 2021 / / Dance

This photoshoot happened a while back. It was for the cover of the book that Sanna Nordin Bates is writing about dance psychology. I just checked my inbox, and this project started back in June…

July 18, 2021 / / Dance

This past Thursday Sarah Plate, Ahtayaw Ea and Maja Dahlbäck from Balettakademien and our favourite clothing designer Linn Hermander came out to Näsbypark for a photoshoot. We started at 8:30, and finished twelve hours later,…

June 24, 2021 / / Dance

This past Sunday Ahtayaw Ea and Aethyu Ea joined me for a dance photoshoot in Näsbypark. It was a really warm day, and when we showed up at Kråkudden there were already lots of people…

June 21, 2021 / / Dance

After months of planning we and several zoom meetings we finally did the first photoshoot for the dance psychology book that Sanna Nordin Bates is writing. She approached me last year about creating photographs to…