‘An amateur performance is not teamwork. It is a free-for-all among a dozen egos, and the ego that gets there firstest with the mostest wins.’
For fifty years, Michael Green’s dramatic manual parody ‘The Art of Coarse Acting’ has been a classic work of comic genius that is all too relatable for anyone involved in amateur theatre. Now, it is being brought into the environment it pokes fun at and lays bare – the stage.
A non-stop, breakneck hour of madcap guidance on how to be the best worst amateur dramatics society you possibly can, dealing with everything from stage deaths to stock characters, from unhelpful prompters to distraught directors to even distraughter writers, from Shakespearian jokes to collapsing scenery to making the most of a non-speaking part.
‘Have you ever seen an entire box set slowly teeter inwards and bury Lady Windermere? I have.’
Text from Camdram

Coarse Actor #2 – Katherine Ladd
Coarse Actor #4 – Carine Valarche
Production Team
Director – Charlotte Cromie
Associate Director – Ben Martineau
Producer – Gaia Fay Lambert
Stage Manager – Caitlin Walsh
Photographer – Johannes Hjorth
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